Friday, February 09, 2007

Beyond BBL

My stuff from the states have arrived and are pretty much completing my cryxian forces.

I've also completed painting my Risen, with Alexia and Eiryss following closely.

Got an order of tons of foam, zounds of it. The quality is good enough, and will probably end up using it for everything--Khador, Cryx, Eldar, Dark Eldar and Khemri.

Just came from Hong Kong with lots of loot: Really small magnets, magnets for jack arms, a full set of bits, and pretty much the final elements of the cryxian fleet.

Also the BBL has ended, Sorscha being top dog (bitch more like it). Don't really know what I got out of it except the reputation of being a cheese head. I guess I should let myself lose more. Everyone say hello to the suckiest exhumation list.

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