Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cryxian Theme

This is going really bad. I haven't been able to do much progress as the weather hasn't been cooperating with me and the theme that has gotten stuck in my head pretty much is white with golden trimmings. It's like I'm planning a wedding or baptismal. Perhaps I should just do my cryx that way.

Research has led me to find this:
which pretty much is what ended up being the theme for my mechanithralls. I'll try to upload a picture of them once I'm done with them. I'm having problems with the base coating since they were the last to be sprayed and the can ran out on them giving them a very furry feeling. Paint just doesn't want to go on evenly. I've considered stripping and repainting them but... God! No way I'm doing the base work again.

The reality is I was planning to do this theme:

But mostly what gets into my head is really this one:

I'm stuck simply because I cannot translate this to my bile thralls, and currently deneghra is on hold. I'm just waiting for the last 2 nightwretches to arrive before I start with the death chickens. I guess I could start with the 'rippers since I'm not getting any more of those, especially since I already have 6.

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